www.gusucode.com > HCONLY站长管理助手 V1.3 > HCONLY站长管理助手 V1.3\code\hconly_include.asp

    <!--#include file="config/chkAdmin.asp"-->
dim act:act=request.querystring("act")
if act="save" then savefile()
fileurl =request("fileurl")
if fileurl="" then fileurl=request.querystring("path")
dim fso:Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Sub EditDb
On error resume next
  If fs.FileExists(server.mappath(dbfile)) Then
    Response.Redirect dbfile & "?db=" & sFile
	  Response.Write "No database found" &vbCrLf
	End If
End Sub

Sub CreateNewFolder
On error resume next


  <form method="POST" action="<%=scriptname%>?action=newfolder&path=<%=sPath%>">
  <input name="folder" type="text" value="" size="30">

        <p><input name="image" type="image" value="在当前文件夹创建新文件夹" src="images/chuangjian.gif"> 

End Sub

Function LoadfromFile(File)
    Dim objStream
    dim a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2,cset
    Dim RText
    RText = Array(0, "")
    Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    With objStream
        .Type = 2
        .Mode = 3
         .charset = "unicode"
        .Position = objStream.Size
        .LoadfromFile File
        RTexta = Array(0, .ReadText)
    End With
     With objStream
        .Type = 2
        .Mode = 3
        .Position = objStream.Size
        .charset = "utf-8"
        .LoadfromFile file
        RTextb = Array(0, .ReadText)
    End With
    With objStream
        .Type = 2
        .Mode = 3
        .Position = objStream.Size
        .charset = "gb2312"
        .LoadfromFile file
        RTextc = Array(0, .ReadText)
    End With
if b1<a1 then 
if b1<c1 then csettext=RTextb:cset="utf-8"
if b1<=c1 then 
if b2<c2 then csettext=RTextb:cset="utf-8"
end if
end if
if a1<b1 then 
if a1<c1 then csettext=RTexta:cset="unicode"
if a1<=c1 then 
if a2<c2 then csettext=RTexta:cset="unicode"
end if
end if
if c1<a1 then 
if c1<b1 then csettext=RTextc:cset="gb2312"
if c1<=b1 then 
if c2<b2 then csettext=RTextc:cset="gb2312"
end if
end if
    LoadfromFile = csettext(1)
    Set objStream = Nothing

End Function

Function saveFile()
call savetofile(content,saveurl,bianma)
Response.Redirect("" & Session("lastpage") & "")
End Function

Function SaveToFile(strBody,File,charset)
    Dim objStream
    Dim RText
    RText = Array(0, "")
    Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    With objStream
        .Type = 2
        .Charset = charset
        .Position = objStream.Size
        .WriteText = strBody
        On Error Resume Next
        .SaveToFile File, 2
        If Err Then
            RText = Array(Err.Number, Err.Description)
            SaveToFile = RText
            Exit Function
        End If
    End With
    RText = Array(0, "保存文件成功!")
    SaveToFile = RText
    Set objStream = Nothing
End Function

Function EditFile()
On error resume next
  Session("lastpage") = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
  response.write ("<br>")  
  Response.write "正在编辑:"
  response.write "<b>"&filename&"</b>"
<form name="frm" method="post" action="<%=url%>?act=save&fileurl=<%=hconlyfileurl%>">
<p>保存位置:<input name=saveurl value='<%=hconlyfileurl%>' type=text size=123>
<p>温馨提示:在上述“保存位置”中直接更改文件名或路径可将此文件另存为其他文件或另存到其他位置。&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;文件编码:<select name='bianma'><option value='gb2312' <%if cset="gb2312" then response.write"selected"%>>gb2312</option>
<option value='utf-8' <%if cset="utf-8" then response.write"selected"%>>utf-8</option>
<option value='unicode' <%if cset="unicode" then response.write"selected"%>>unicode</option>
<p><textarea name="content" style="width:90%;height:400px;"><%=source%></textarea></p>
<p><input type="image" name="image" value="保存文件" src="images/baocun.jpg"/></p>
end Function

Sub UploadFiles
On error resume next
<br><font color=#7f7f7f>由于批量上传太占服务器资源 此页改为可同时选定多个文件并依次上传的模式</font>
<form name="upload" method="post" action="?act=submit">
文件信息:<input type="text" name="form2" size=70/> <br />
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
<iframe frameborder="0" src="hconly_upload.asp" width="500" height="25"></iframe>
End Sub

Sub Wordreplace
On error resume next
<form name="wordreplace" method="post" action="?act=submit">
<iframe frameborder="0" src="/tools/wordreplace.asp" width="750" height="450"></iframe>
End Sub

Sub More
On error resume next
<hr color="#DBE2EA">
<p>所以笔者将这些功能另外单独写了一个程序打包给用户下载,并将此程序命名为“<b>HCONLY HELPER SR</b>”,即HCONLY站长助手增强版,用户可自行考量要不要使用
<p><b>HCONLY HELPER SR</b>包含当前最顶级webshell所具有的全部功能,并完美免杀(双重加密技术,大部分杀毒软件都不会报毒)
<p>请点击下面的按钮下载“<b>HCONLY HELPER SR</b>”:
<p><p><center><a href="/tools/hconly_helper_sr.zip" target="_blank"><img src="images/sr.gif" border="0" alt="下载 HCONLY HELPER SR"></a></center>

End Sub

Sub pwd
On error resume next
<hr color="#DBE2EA">
<form name="ppwwdd" method="post" action="?act=submit">
<center><iframe frameborder="0" src="admin/ppwwdd.asp" width="650" height="350"></iframe></center>

End Sub

Function CreateFile()
Session("lastpage") = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") 
<form name='frm' method='post' action='<%=url%>?act=save&fileurl=<%=hconlyfileurl%>'>
<hr color="#DBE2EA">
保存位置:<input name=saveurl value='<%=hconlyfileurl%>\' type=text size=123>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;自定义编码:<select name=bianma><option value='gb2312' <%if cset="gb2312" then response.write"selected"%>>gb2312</option>
<option value='utf-8' <%if cset="utf-8" then response.write"selected"%>>utf-8</option>
<option value='unicode' <%if cset="unicode" then response.write"selected"%>>unicode</option>
<p><textarea name="content" style="width:90%;height:400px;"></textarea></p>
<p><input type="image" name="image3" value="保存文件" src="images/chuangjian.gif"/></p>
End Function

Sub CreateFolder
On error resume next
 Session("lastpage") = request.querystring("path")
 If fs.FolderExists(server.mappath(sFolder)) Then 
   response.write "此文件夹已经存在:<b>" & sFolder & "</b>  请勿重复<br>"  
   ''Response.Redirect("" & Session("lastpage") & "")
 End If
End Sub

Sub DeleteFile
On error resume next
  If Request.Querystring("commit") <> "yes" Then
    Session("lastpage") = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
    Session("sFile") = sFile
    Response.Write "<p>您即将删除的文件是: <b>" & sFile & "</b>" 
    If sFileType = "jpg" OR sFileType = "gif" Then
      Response.Write "<p><img src=""http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & sfile & """></p>"
    End If
    Response.Write "<p><b>注意:此操作将不可恢复!</b></p>"
    Response.Write "<UL>"
    Response.Write "<a href=""" & scriptname & "?action=deletefile&path=" & sPath & "&file=" & sFile & "&commit=yes""><img src=""images/queding.jpg"" border=""0"" alt=""确认删除""></a></LI>"
    Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=" & Session("lastpage") & "><img src=""images/quxiao.jpg"" border=""0"" alt=""取消删除""></a></LI>"
    Response.Write "</UL>"
    Response.Redirect("" & Session("lastpage") & "")
  End If
End Sub

Sub DeleteFolder
On error resume next
  If Request.Querystring("commit") <> "yes" Then 
    Session("lastpage") = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
    Session("sFolder") = sFolder
    Response.Write "<p>您将删除此文件夹: <b>" & sFolder & "</b>" 
    Response.Write "<p><b>注意:此操作将不可恢复!</b></p>"
    Response.Write "<UL>"
    Response.Write "<a href=""" & scriptname & "?action=deletefolder&path=" & sPath & "&folder=" & sFolder &  "&commit=yes""><img src=""images/queding.jpg"" border=""0"" alt=""确认删除""></a>"
    Response.Write "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=" & Session("lastpage") & "><img src=""images/quxiao.jpg"" border=""0"" alt=""取消删除""></a>"
    Response.Write "</UL>"
    Response.Write sPath & "<br>"
    Response.Write sFile & "<br>"
    Response.Redirect("" & Session("lastpage") & "")
  End If
End Sub

Sub RenameFolder
On error resume next
	Response.write "<b>重命名文件夹</b><br>"
  If Request.querystring("commit") <> "yes" Then 
    Session("lastpage") = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
    Response.Write "<p>您将重命名的文件名是: <b>" & request.querystring("folder") & "</b>" 
<form name="form1" method="post" action="hconly_main?action=RenameFolder&path=<%=spath%>&folder=<%=request.querystring("folder")%>&commit=yes">
  <input name="NewFolderName" type="text" size="30">
  <input name="image" type="image" value="确定重命名" src="images/chongmingming.jpg">
  <input type="hidden"name="folder" value="<%=request.querystring("folder")%>">
	if spath="/" then slashvalue="" else slashvalue="/" end if
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set folderObject = fso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(spath&slashvalue&sFolder))
	 Set folderObject = Nothing
	 Set fso = Nothing
	  Response.Redirect("" & Session("lastpage") & "") 
   End If
End Sub

Sub RenameFile
On error resume next
  Response.write "<b>重命名该文件</b><br>"
  If Request("commit") <> "yes" Then 
    Session("lastpage") = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
    Response.Write "<p>您将重命名的文件名是: <b>" & request.querystring("file") & "</b>" 
<form name="form1" method="post" action="hconly_main.asp?action=RenameFile&path=<%=spath%>&folder=<%=request.querystring("folder")%>&commit=yes">
  <input name="NewFileName" type="text" size="30">
  <input name="image" type="image" value="确定重命名" src="images/chongmingming.jpg">
  <input type="hidden" name="filename" value="<%=request.querystring("file") %>">
	if spath="/" then slashvalue="" else slashvalue="/"
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Set FileObject = fso.GetFile(Server.MapPath(spath&slashvalue&sfile))
	FileObject.Name = NewFileName
	Set FilObject = Nothing
	Set fso = Nothing
    Response.Redirect("" & Session("lastpage") & "")  
  End If
End Sub

Sub FileTypeUnsupported
On error resume next
  Session("lastpage") = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
  response.write ("<br>")  
  Response.write "文件名: "
  response.write "<b>"&filename&"</b>"
  response.write "<br>"
  If sFileType = "jpg" OR sFileType = "gif" OR sFileType = "JPG" OR sFileType = "GIF" OR sFileType = "PNG" OR sFileType = "png" OR sFileType = "JPG" Then
    Response.Write "<p><img src=""http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & sfile & """></p>"
    Response.Write "<br>此文件不可以文本模式编辑或以默认方式打开,除了您能自行判断的文件格式外它也有可能是已被伪装成其他文件类型的数据库。</br><br>"
  End If
  Response.Write "<a href=" & Session("lastpage") & "><img src=""images/fanhui.jpg"" border=""0"" alt=""返回上一步操作""></a>"
End Sub

Sub Size(itemsize)
  Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """ align=""center"" valign=""bottom"">" &vbCrLf
  Select case Len(itemsize)
  Case "1", "2", "3" 
    Response.Write itemsize & " bytes"
  Case "4", "5", "6"
    Response.Write Round(itemsize/1000) & " Kb"
  Case "7", "8", "9"
    Response.Write Round(itemsize/1000000) & " Mb"
  End Select
  Response.Write "</td>" &vbCrLf
End Sub

Sub ShowList
  Response.Write "<table cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" border=""0"" bordercolor=""#cccccc"" width=""100%"">" &vbCrLf
    <td background="images/header_bg.gif" height="25">&nbsp;&nbsp;文件名</td>
    <td background="images/header_bg.gif" height="25"><div align="center">文件类型</div></td>
    <td background="images/header_bg.gif" height="25"><div align="center">文件大小</div></td>
    <td background="images/header_bg.gif" height="25"><div align="center">创建日期</div></td>
    <td background="images/header_bg.gif" height="25"><div align="center">管理操作</div></td>
  Set fileobject = fs.GetFolder(server.mappath(sPath))
  Set foldercollection = fileobject.SubFolders 
  bgcolor = ""
    bgcolor_off = "#FFFFFF"
    bgcolor_on = "#E1E8EF"

  For Each folder in foldercollection 
    ' Apply our alternating line coloring
    If lineid = 0 Then
      bgcolor = bgcolor_off
      lineid = 1
      bgcolor = bgcolor_on
      lineid = 0
    End if		

		Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """><font face=""verdana"" size=""1"">" &vbCrLf
		If Right(sPath,1)="/" Then
	    Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """ align=""left"" valign=""bottom""><img src=images/folder.gif > <a href=""" & scriptname & "?action=viewfolder&path=" & sPath & folder.name & """>" & folder.name & "</a></td>" & vbCrLf

		  Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """ align=""left"" valign=""bottom""><img src=images/folder.gif > <a href=""" & scriptname & "?action=viewfolder&path=" & sPath &"/" &folder.name & """>" & folder.name & "</a></td>" & vbCrLf

		End If  

	  Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """ align=""center"" valign=""bottom"">folder" 
Call Size(folder.size)
	  Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """ align=""center"" valign=""bottom"">" & folder.datelastmodified & "</td>" &vbCrLf
Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """ align=""center"" valign=""bottom""><a href=""" & scriptname & "?action=RenameFolder&path=" & sPath & "&folder=" & folder.name & """><img border=0 alt=重命名 src=images/rename2.gif></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""" & scriptname & "?action=deletefolder&path=" & sPath & "&folder=" & folder.name & """><img border=0 alt=删除 src=images/del.gif></a></td>" &vbCrLf
    Response.Write "</tr>" &vbCrLf
  Set foldercollection=nothing

  ' Use the Files property to get the files contained in the directory specified in sPath
  Set filecollection = fileobject.Files
	' Loop through the files contained in the filescollection and dislay their information on the page
	For Each file in filecollection 
    ' Apply our alternating line coloring
    If lineid = 0 Then
      bgcolor = bgcolor_off
      lineid = 1
      bgcolor = bgcolor_on
      lineid = 0
    End if	
    Response.Write "<tr>" &vbCrLf  

	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="gif" then image="<img src=images/gif.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="pdf" then image="<img src=images/pdf.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="css" then image="<img src=images/css.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="doc" then image="<img src=images/word.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="xls" then image="<img src=images/xls.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="exe" then image="<img src=images/exe.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="zip" then image="<img src=images/zip.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="jpg" then image="<img src=images/jpg.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="jpeg" then image="<img src=images/jpg.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="htm" then image="<img src=images/htm.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="html" then image="<img src=images/htm.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="swf" then image="<img src=images/swf.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="asp" then image="<img src=images/file.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="txt" then image="<img src=images/file.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="inc" then image="<img src=images/inc.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="js" then image="<img src=images/js.gif >"
	if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="mdb" then image="<img src=images/mdb.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="Asp" then image="<img src=images/file.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="ASP" then image="<img src=images/file.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="php" then image="<img src=images/htm.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="Php" then image="<img src=images/htm.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="PHP" then image="<img src=images/htm.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="aspx" then image="<img src=images/file.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="ASPX" then image="<img src=images/file.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="rar" then image="<img src=images/rar.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="Rar" then image="<img src=images/rar.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="zip" then image="<img src=images/rar.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="ZIP" then image="<img src=images/rar.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="7z" then image="<img src=images/rar.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="png" then image="<img src=images/jpg.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="bmp" then image="<img src=images/jpg.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="xml" then image="<img src=images/file.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="xsl" then image="<img src=images/file.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="GIF" then image="<img src=images/gif.gif >"
        if fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)="JPG" then image="<img src=images/jpg.gif >"	

	if image="" then image= "<img src=images/unknown.gif >"
Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """ align=""left"" valign=""bottom"">"&image&" <a href=""" & scriptname & "?action=editfile&path=" & sPath & "&file=" & file.name & "&filetype=" & Lcase(fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)) & """>" & file.name & "</a></td>" &vbCrLf
		Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """ align=""center"" valign=""bottom"">" & fs.GetExtensionName(file.name) & "</td>" &vbCrLf
	  Call Size(file.size)
	  Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """ align=""center"" valign=""bottom"">" & file.datelastmodified & "</td>" &vbCrLf
	  Response.Write "<td bgcolor=""" & bgcolor & """ align=""center"" valign=""bottom""><a href=""" & scriptname & "?action=RenameFile&path=" & sPath & "&file=" & file.name & "&filetype=" & Lcase(fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)) & """><img border=0 alt=重命名 src=images/rename1.gif></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""/download.asp?filename=" & request.querystring("path") & "/" & file.name & """><img border=0 alt=下载 src=images/down.gif></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""" & scriptname & "?action=deletefile&path=" & sPath & "&file=" & file.name & "&filetype=" & Lcase(fs.GetExtensionName(file.name)) & """><img border=0 alt=删除 src=images/del.gif></a></td>" &vbCrLf
    Response.Write "</tr>" &vbCrLf

  ' We are done displaying information about files and folders in this directory, so close the table.
  Response.Write "</table>" &vbCrLf

End Sub

Sub DisplayErrors
  Response.Write "非法操作,错误号: " & errornum & " ,请返回首页继续其他操作。错误详情:" & vbCrlf
	Response.Write "<ul>" & errorcode & "</ul>" & vbCrlf
End Sub